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Annette Shaner
Sep 25, 2020
The Wall
Our human aspect hits the wall. Most of the time we don’t even know why. It seems there are no other options. What would happen if we...

Annette Shaner
Jul 13, 2020
Judging the Judged
Judgement is a waste. A fruitless endeavor that creates nothing. No one enjoys being judged but on some level we all participate. It’s a...

Annette Shaner
May 11, 2020
Waiting On The World To Change
We wait on the world to change. Then it does. Sometimes the shifts seem small. They almost go unnoticed by our physical eyes. One moment...

Annette Shaner
Feb 9, 2020
When the New Comes Rushing In
It’s like a tidal wave. It feels so overwhelming when a new timeline begins. Especially the ones we start ourselves. Yes, there is a...

Annette Shaner
Oct 22, 2019
Allowing Things to Go Quietly into the Night
There is a moment when we know something is over. Our best friend is moving across country. The person we crushed on is getting engaged....

Annette Shaner
Sep 18, 2019
Much Ado About Nothing
As I progress though my life, in many ways it becomes a quiet tale about nothing. The things I thought mattered didn’t. The precious...

Annette Shaner
Aug 23, 2019
Who Knows Me Better
No one knows us better than we know ourselves. Sometimes that’s true. Other times it’s not. It might seem like an odd concept. How can...

Annette Shaner
Jul 19, 2019
The Many Aspects of Me
I was surprised there was so many of me. When I first explored the multidimensional concept, it seemed bizarre. How could I have so many...

Annette Shaner
Jun 17, 2019
The crossroads never looked like I thought. They looked like any other space. But somewhere deep down I knew the choices were bigger than...

Annette Shaner
May 13, 2019
When the Journey Leads Nowhere
Nowhere is a destination I suppose. It is not where I thought I would be at this point. The map seemed clear enough, expand your...

Annette Shaner
Apr 16, 2019
The Big Shifts
I sat on my floor this morning and reviewed my life. I couldn’t decide if it was a love story, drama or tragedy. I guess the answer would...

Annette Shaner
Mar 13, 2019
The Importance of “No”
The power of the word “no” is immense. It seems counter intuitive that a small word packs such a punch. If there was ever a word that was...

Annette Shaner
Feb 3, 2019
Sorting Through Realities
The moment we realize there is not one specific reality is a defining moment. It takes the pressure off the one we are currently...

Annette Shaner
Dec 27, 2018
The Purpose Others Serve
People serve many roles in our unique stories. They play the villain, victim and savior simultaneously. They bring out the best and worst...

Annette Shaner
Nov 26, 2018
Why Things Collapse
Maybe they weren’t meant for us in the first place. The old sayings, “everything happens for a reason” and “everything works out for the...

Annette Shaner
Oct 30, 2018
A Journey to Trust
Trust is defined as a firm belief in the reliability and truth of something. It seems simple enough, finding the ability to believe. In...

Annette Shaner
Oct 2, 2018
Why We Revisit the Old
It happens to all of us. The choice was made. We adamantly decided we would never put ourselves through “that” again. We care to much...

Annette Shaner
Sep 4, 2018
Seeing Through Our Realities
We created all of them. From the moment they were born to the moment they died, we had a cord attached to them. They filled a need for...

Annette Shaner
Aug 5, 2018
The Blank Space
Sometimes there is nothing. It all seems gone. There is no whisper on the wind. No hidden hand behind the curtain pointing in any...

Annette Shaner
Jul 5, 2018
Shared Dreaming: Cracking the Dream Code
Two people in different areas dream a dream. In this existence, they would be labeled as friends. In other levels of perception, they...
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